Sunday, May 4, 2008

In Full First Communion Mode, Watch Out!

Yes call me crazy, yes call me overly being prepared, yes call me anything else but guess what I can't help it!! I have realized I have entered into First Communion mode. Yes first communion where young boys and girls in the second grade receive communion for the first time. Its a big deal, don't let anyone tell you its not. But what I have realized is that my daughter will be making her first communion next year! Okay this kid is growing up to fast and it was only yesterday I can remember changing diapers. So I say I am in full mode, well I am not joking with you. I have things in "My Favorites" saved for next year to include dress styles, souveniors, cakes, and portraits..... I know, I know, I totally agree with you its crazy. But hey this only happens once. Oh yes I said "dresses" when we went to mass this evening the boys and girls were receiving their first communion tonight and so M got to see all the girls dressed in their pretty dresses. When daddy told her that mommy and her would shop next year for a pretty dress for her she looked at him and "rolled her eyes" yes that's what she did, not overly as enthusiastic as mommy is. But I am trying to get ready now so I have an idea of what I want her special day to look like. At least this is what I tell myself everyday as I am looking on the websites for dresses, invitations, cakes, shoes, veils, etc. etc. etc. HELP!!! I can't stop, and guess what M3 the boy will make his First Communion the year after his sister so that means looking at nice suits and pictures and cakes..etc.etc. Like I said HELP!!! I can't stop.


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