Friday, January 25, 2008

It's been too long!

Well hello to all. Let's see what has happened? Well my sister in law got me into this whole blogging thing and when her computer died I kind of stopped blogging. It's terrible I know sorry. Well my other sister in law continues so I am attempting to start it up again and finish what I started. So what's been going on with me. Well I finished up my internship and then have recently been hired on by the company that I was interning for. This is really great news and I am very happy about it. I will start work next Friday, which is great. I work for one day then I get the weekend, yippy! My son recently turned 6 and of course like always he thinks he is big man on campus and we have to bring him down to earth a lot of times. This is okay with me he is still adorable. His sister is doing well and we are in full swing of softball, she is doing pretty good, but we need to work more with her at home and sometimes that is hard for me to do with everything else going on. My husband is great and wonderful and is one of the coaches on her softball team so she gets to see daddy and that is great for her. I am very excited about working in the field in which I hold my degree in. I am hoping it will go well and I will get things taken care of right away, but we will see. So far this is the only things that have been going on in my home, nothing big or major and we have been truly blessed. Well for now toodles. Yes, I used the word toodles.


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