Sunday, September 23, 2007

Let's hope she passes 1st grade!

Well okay I know by the way the title sounds some may be worried about my child's academic progress. Well let me assure you she is doing fine. However, Mommy is not doing so good. You see M had pictures on Friday and had homework that she had to complete throughout the week. Well for the second week in a row I find her homework in her folder, and it looks like it hasn't been touched by the teacher! So needless to say I am a little peaved by this. Especially the picture money being left in the folder. Oh did I forget to mention that? Yeah, her picture money was left in the folder. So I was pretty upset and decided to write the teacher a note, apparently when my husband read it, he was a little beside himself because it didn't sound to pleasant. Well needless to say an apology was written to the teacher saying that I was sorry and that I did not want the email to sound as harsh as it did. Especially the part where I mention to her "do you check the children's folders, surely you do since M had her schoolwork from this past week in her folder". So now my husband and I are wondering if she is going to pass the 1st grade, and if she doesn't it is probably going to be all my fault because I griped out the teacher.

She wrote me back and apologized for what happened but at this age they are teaching responsibility and being responsible for turning in their own homework and picture money etc. I say give the 1st graders a little help, my daughter has a hard time remembering what shoe goes on what foot!

1 comment:

burrsmom said...

It seems like teachers are trying to put as much on the kids as they can. I am all for responsibility, but you are right.Let's ease the little guys into it.