Okay, Okay she is a Genius in some way... I am talking about my sister in law, the younger of the two sister in laws I have. She has turned me onto this blog thing and I am hooked, on top of that she has given me some sights to go to in order to put cute pictures on here, so here you are.
Okay so why has it been Mayhem Monday, well for one the weather today was crazy! It has been a long time since we have gotten rain like this morning. It was fabulous, but I much rathered stay at home and asleep in bed. I went to work and immediately started working on my case files that I have of clients. I wrote several reports, answered several phone calls, had one long meeting, saw a client to begin the application process, typed some more reports up and before you know it, it was 5pm and I had to pull myself away from the desk. I came home helped M do her homework a worksheet, reading, and reading again. She was not happy to say the least. Sorry before that we sat down to eat dinner, and amongst the slurping of the spaghetti I was able to hear what my dad was saying to me. Showers were taking in record time! They wanted to watch a movie and not miss any of it so we had to do our best to get hair and body clean... crazy. My son has to go to the restroom and as he is taking a long time I decided to go check on him and what do I find? A little boy sitting down doing his business with his sisters head band on his head and the other head band in his hand, and when I ask what are you doing, he tells me he is playing airplane pilot and the head band in his hand is the steering wheel for the airplane and the headband on his head is his radio controllers and earphones! Yes very hectic and its not over, I still have to go and read a goodnight book and put them in bed! I need a foot rub!
What, am I not cool? I think I might get my feelings hurt. Just kidding!!! Have you heard any more about your grades? You are definately busy,busy, busy!!
love ya for the shout out - i am adding more more more . and i am not rubbing your feet
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