Wednesday, October 3, 2007

I Passed!!!!!!!

Well for those who know me, you know that I will graduate with my masters degree this December and I had to take my comperhensive exam in order to graduate... Well ladies and Gentlemen I am happy to report that I just found out that I passed the multiple choice portion of the exam! This was a three part test two section of multiple choice questions 78 question on one and 35 question on the other and then the 4 essays I had to complete. I have been told that they will have the essays graded by next week to determine if I passed this section as well. I am not so worried about this section. But to my family and friends who told me I could do it and had faith in me and said many prayers, I truly thank all of you, without your support I would have never made it through a tough experience.


burrsmom said...

YEA!!!!! I am so glad for you. I knew you could do it. XXXOOO

Neebie said...

Thank you. I really appreciate it. Love ya.