Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Still Exhausted!!

Well you can probably tell by the below posting that I am a little tired. I recently started my new job and the work I am doing has been overwhelming to say the least. I have had to review files and make so many appointments and exhaustion has set in. I don't remember feeling this tired in a long while and oh my gosh.... yesterday I had to go pick up my daughter from home across town, then take her to softball practice clear across town the other way. My poor baby had to do homework in the car, and of course my son wanted to tag along and I let him and he did his homework at the softball field. I then proceed to dash home after practice and get them both in showers and ready for bed. I went to the bed and before I know it my eyes are closed and I am in sleep mode. ahhhhhh parenthood and working parents. I have now entered this realm. Tata for now.



MOM said...

I haven't read anyone's BLOG in quite sometime and wanted to see if anyone was keeping up on their's. LO & BEHOLD !!!
You have entered a really cute video and so on the mark! Thank you for the update, Mrs. "G"

Humphrey Hot Spot said...

hi ya
i agree cute video
you are so blogarific i have failed you all for that i am truly sorry-you all follow me and then i leave you -who oh who will guide you in this quest ? i guess it will be one of you that i will have to follow now -i just need a computer to do so - hint hint
love ya

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